Weekly tarot predictions: Tarot card reading from October 3rd to October 9th, 2022 for all zodiac signs

From your love life to career and health to spirituality, find out what the cards reveal. Read on to know your weekly Tarot messages

Akshata Khanolkar Updated: Monday, October 03, 2022, 08:08 AM IST

Aries: Tarot Card: Five of Swords

You could clash with someone this week. Beware of your temper. You may be able to take some important decisions during this period and cut some people and circumstances out of your life. Leave the past behind. Work and financial abundance is on the cards. Spirit is going to show you a very positive/lucky path in your career and finances. Good time to plan and save small chunks of money.

Taurus: Tarot Card: Ten of Wands

You may feel like the burden of responsibilities is weighing you down. Your focus will be on slowly and steadily achieving your career and financial goals. You could be presented with a new career/financial opportunity which will give you long term and stable wealth. Good time to collaborate with others at work. Make sure you delegate additional tasks to your team members. Spirit is asking you to have some fun and not get stuck only in work related activities.

Gemini: Tarot Card: Ten of Wands

You will be bold and fearless this week. Your clarity of thought and straight forward practical energy will benefit you greatly. People will be drawn to your charisma and confidence. Help others with your leadership skills and advice. You will have to juggle multiple responsibilities at home and work. Take special care of your finances. Matters of love will see a favorable outcome. Personal relationships will go through a positive change.

Cancer: Tarot Card: Queen of Pentacles

Channeling calm and relaxed energy is favorable this week. However, your impatience could lead you into a confusing daze. You may want to complete some tasks which can in-fact be put off until later. Watch your words during this time. People around you may benefit from your advice and help. Overall, this week could be highly fortuitous if you can focus more on your personal matters such as home, family, recuperation and a short vacation/break.

Leo: Tarot Card: Ace of Pentacles

There could be a brand new beginning in your career and wealth. You may have to take a leap of faith and get rid of worries around your work and money. Do not hesitate to say what is on your mind. Those in the service industry will see positive changes. The energy is gaining momentum and you will speedily move towards attaining your goals this week. Make the best use of this fortuitous period.

Virgo: Tarot Card: Knight of Cups

This week your focus is going to be on love and emotional matters. You will have the confidence to express your feelings towards your loved ones. There may be new passionate beginnings in romantic relationships. A lot of healing energy is coming into your life, especially for your health and close emotional ties. Excellent time to take a break and focus on your mental and physical health. Detoxify this week by changing your diet or taking a break from work.

Libra: Tarot Card: Knight of Wands

You are going to channelize much confidence and a surge of power will support you this week. Your magnetic energy will attract people towards you. Excellent week for both work and love. Your charm will influence everyone. Make sure to draw clear boundaries. There shall be new beginnings in your work and career. This week you do not have to try hard to achieve anything as most things will naturally be drawn to you. Trust the universe and make the best of this period.

Scorpio: Tarot Card: Nine of Wands

You may experience tiredness and fatigue this week. Time to take a breather and appreciate how far you have come in your journey. You will get a reality check during this period, however, take a break before you decide to shift to a new direction or mindset. New ideas and options will come flooding into your mind which you may use later. There is a lot of healing and support from loved ones this week. Singles could meet someone special.

Sagittarius: Tarot Card: Two of Wands

You will go back and forth on some important decision that needs to be made. The lack of clarity will be frustrating and it may push you to look into the past. Nothing is wasted and do not get disheartened. Keep an open heart and mind this week to get the right ideas and inspiration. There could be a brand new beginning in love and relationships. Work will be demanding and you will be expected to handle multiple responsibilities.

Capricorn: Tarot Card: Ten of Swords

This could be an emotionally difficult period due to many sudden changes which you are likely to experience. You could be exposed to some harsh truths this week. Fear is nothing but your response to not knowing what is going to happen next. Work through your fears by seeking help from your family and friends. You will get a lot of support from your loved ones.

Aquarius: Tarot Card: Page of Cups

This is going to be an excellent week for manifestation Dear Aquarians, make sure to extract the most out of this energy. You will be particularly passionate and emotional during this period. Those starting any new ventures will see a positive head-start. Love and romance with a new partner is on the cards. Go Wild when it comes to trying new things and stop seeking perfection.

Pisces: Tarot Card: Page of Wands

You may feel like rushing things this week, however, you are advised to be patient, take some time alone and plan out everything meticulously. 2023 May is standing out as a significant period for you. At work, you may have to realize your worth and take the lead on progressing things forward. Good time to follow a detoxifying diet and regime, this could include taking a break from social media. You may feel like travelling, however, this may not be the week for the same.

Deck- White Sage Tarot

Published on: Monday, October 03, 2022, 08:09 AM IST