Weekly tarot predictions: Tarot card reading from Aug 14th, 2023 to Aug 20th, 2023 for all zodiac signs

From your love life to career and health to spirituality, find out what the cards reveal. Read on to know your weekly Tarot messages

Akshata Khanolkar Updated: Monday, August 14, 2023, 03:02 PM IST
Weekly tarot predictions: Tarot card reading from Aug 14th, 2023 to Aug 20th, 2023 for all zodiac signs |

Weekly tarot predictions: Tarot card reading from Aug 14th, 2023 to Aug 20th, 2023 for all zodiac signs |


This week brings an abundance of options and choices. Your confidence is going to be high and you are going to feel more comfortable in your own skin. However, try not to get lost in your thoughts. Some of you need to wait before taking any major decisions as your mind may fluctuate and waver. It is a good time to step out of your comfort zone and try some fun activities. Working and collaborating with people will bring you success. Your personal life will thrive and bring you much happiness. Spend time with your loved ones and travel with them, if possible. Your chemistry with your partner will improve. Singles could meet someone special. There is love all around you. Make the most of this beautiful energy.  

The Sun |


Dear Taureans, this week some of you will be looking for a fresh start. You will crave more independence and space to do what you wish. It is a good time to focus, plan and follow a clear personal vision. You will have a lot of energy to work hard towards your goals. Your meticulous attention and dedication to your work will yield positive results.  Invest your money wisely. Ensure that you keep some liquid money for regular use. Your personal life may seem confusing and you will have to put some effort into working through your emotions. Your commitment towards people in your life may get tested. Try to understand your own feelings before taking any abrupt decisions. 

The Fool |


Dear Gemini, this week you may have to deal with some tough external environmental forces. Some people may test your patience or try to instigate you. Your work scenario could get competitive and busy. Thankfully, your mind will be able to tackle all the issues with your straightforward, logical, and practical mindset. Let spirit be your guide and forgive those around you. Keep a flexible approach and hold your self-esteem high. Some of you are going to juggle your finances well. You could even receive a new job opportunity. Some areas of your life, such as your finances, need a quick reset. Try adopting a softer approach in your personal life. Avoid letting the frustrations from other areas of your life impact your relationships.

Five of Wands |


Dear Cancerians, this week brings some clarity of thought and empowerment. At work, keep a logical, practical, and straight forward approach. It is time to act and execute important tasks. Lay a solid foundation to your financial future. Save well and build long term wealth. Take special care of your precious belongings and keep them in a safe space. Some of you need to put a proper day-to-day schedule in place and turn to yoga or meditation to improve your overall well-being. In your personal life, keep your heart open and channelise your loving and caring side. You will be in better touch with your mature and understanding Cancerian heart during this period.  

Queen of Swords |


Dear Leo, this week confidence shall be your key to success. Know your worth and do not settle for less. This is going to be a busy period at work. Channelise your logical, practical and data driven side to achieve your goals. Some of you need to take an important decision during this period. Make sure that you consider your own truth and rely on your own judgement when it comes to making a choice. In your personal life, try to focus on the positives. You may become overly sensitive and emotional. Some of you may have issues with stress and lack of sleep. Things may in-fact be improving and there is a lot of healing coming to your relationships. Stay patient and hang tight.

Eight of Wands |


Dear Virgos, after a shaky period you are entering a stable and comfortable space. You are going to be in your element. There is immense clarity of thought coming your way and it is time to use that in your professional life. It is a good time to expand your finances. In your personal life, honour your feelings and communicate them. Your connection with your family members will improve with acceptance and adjustments from both the ends. However, do not forget to set healthy boundaries. Some of you need to start working on preventing ageing related issues. Spend more time outdoors, especially in lush green spaces.

Four of Wands |


Dear Libra, this week brings a surge of energy and risk-taking ability. It is time to be proud of all your achievements. Your strength shall be in delegating tasks and not taking on additional responsibilities. Some of you need to start prepping to take on leadership positions. Learn to take charge and lead with a sense of authority. However, be patient and respectful when it comes to communicating with others. Your finances need special care and attention. Avoid splurging and save as much as possible. There could be a celebration in your family or social circle. Your personal life will bring happiness and contentment.

Knight of Swords |


Dear Scorpio, this week brings fresh energy to read, learn, travel, and explore. Some of you may pitch a new project to a client. Your work environment could get competitive and some people may try to step on each other’s toes to get ahead. Wait before taking any major decisions. Observe the conditions thoroughly before jumping to conclusions. Follow the voice of your conscience. This is a good week to set intentions for financial manifestations. It is time for you to avoid splurging and save your money. Some of you need to start taking better care of your physical health. Those who have an ongoing illness will start healing. Your personal life is going to be stable and will bring you much happiness.

Three of Pentacles |


Dear Sagittarius, this week there could be a new start when it comes to your finances. Your mind could be challenged with several thoughts. The answers you need are coming and there is a lot of healing coming your way which will help you balance your overthinking. You may need rest, recuperation, and good sleep.  This down time will help you understand and calm your wandering thoughts. There could be a gathering or celebration in your midst but you may not feel like participating in activities with your usual fire sign enthusiasm. It is ok to take a step back and offer only that much energy as possible for you. Travel shall be favourable. You will be very logical and practical when dealing with people in your personal life.

Queen of Pentacles |


Dear Capricorn, this week pay attention to your intuition as it is going to guide you towards abundance, especially financial abundance. Some of you are tired of waiting and want to take quick steps. However, you are asked to wait for the answers or wait till you get to the truth of the matter. Till then, take a breather. Create a healthy routine, attend to the details, make proper schedules, and give your life a proper structure. Some of you may even want to become more independent in your ventures. In your personal life, surround yourself with people who love and protect you.  Ask for help and support whenever necessary. Take special care of your precious belongings.

Nine of Cups |


Dear Aquarius, this week is going to open new doors in your life. Try to look at the bigger picture and put practical plans in place for your future. It is time to embrace change step by step. Some of you may get support and ideas from a mentor, teacher, or guide. It is time to shine in your career. Some of you need a lot of rest, recuperation, and healing. Pay attention to your health and take downtime whenever required. For some, your past experiences may impact your approach to love and your loved ones. Allow yourself to heal from your patterns. Keep your heart open. Have faith in the fact that there is a lot of strength and integrity to your feelings. You will always stick to the morally correct path.

The World |


Dear Pisces, this week brings a lot of emotional fulfilment. There is a sense of forgiveness and healing coming to your personal connections. Some of you may have manifested a stable and loving home and family life. Others may have taken special efforts to communicate, adjust, and find a middle ground for all the parties involved. Express your gratitude towards all the loving people in your life. At work, you need to remain logical and practical. Introspection, study, data crunching and research shall be necessary. Do not let pride get in your way. Make sure that you keep your cards close to your chest and avoid revealing your plans before time.

Six of Cups |

Deck- White Sage Tarot

Published on: Monday, August 14, 2023, 03:02 PM IST