Daily Horoscope for Thursday, February 08, 2024, for all zodiac signs by astrologer Vinayak Vishwas Karandikar

Want to know what's in store for you, and find out what your sun sign says about the day that will be? Read on our Daily Horoscope by Vinayak Vishwas Karandikar.

Vinayak Vishwas Karandikar Updated: Tuesday, February 06, 2024, 10:54 PM IST


Today is the day to study /enjoy and entertain /job

Finance: Expect expenditure for entertainment/children/education /job

Career: People in education/ sports/bank /govt. Job/ politics/medical will get success

Domestic & love life: Harmony in family relationship is indicated. Family will help in job

Health: Some people may suffer from back pain/ BP.

Lucky no: 6

Lucky colour: pink


Today is the day to travel / study

Finance: Expect expenditure for property /Vehicle/travel/education

Career: People in fields like tourism/ hospital/politics/journalism/politics will be benefited

Domestic & love life: Harmony in Family is indicated. Nearby travels are indicated

Health: Some people may suffer from ear problems/back pain/heart problems

Lucky no: 8

Lucky colour: blue


Today is the day to control your communication to avoid disputes

Finance: Expect expenditure for essential things /travel/ communication/premiums

Career: Doctors/politicians/hotels/govt related people will get benefited

Domestic & love life: Ill health to family member indicated

Health: Some people may suffer from eye problems/ heart problem/ tooth ache

Lucky no: 5

Lucky colour: Green


Today is the day for earn / family

Finance: Expect expenditure for self/ health / family needs.

Career: People in fields like doctors/hospital/ politicians / govt people will be benefited

Domestic & love life: Marriage settlements/happy family time is indicated.

Health: Some people may suffer from tooth ache / eye problems / weakness

Lucky no: 6

Lucky colour: pink


Today is the day to travel / expenditure/ look after health

Finance: Expect expenditure on travel / medical bills

Career: People in fields of tourism / hospital / doctor/politics will be benefited

Domestic & love life: You may go for long drive with your family. You will rule today

Health: Some people may suffer from blood pressure/ back pain/eye problem/ weakness

Lucky no: 1

Lucky colour: Orange


Today is the day to travel / expenditure/study / enjoy

Finance: Expect expenditure on travel / medical bills /children

Career: People in fields of tourism / hospital / doctors /sports /entertainment will be benefited

Domestic & love life: You may go for long drive with your family.

Health: Some people may suffer from blood pressure/ back pain/eye problem.

Lucky no: 5

Lucky colour: Green


Today, you may focus on your job/business/career /study

Finance: Expect expenditure on business / job/ house/ vehicle /education

Career: People in fields like banking / Hotel /Doctors/journalism/ will be benefited.

Domestic & love life: You can have good family time. Students will study.

Health: Some people may suffer from eye / Knee pain.

Lucky no: 5

Lucky colour: green


Today is the day to travel / work

Finance: Expect expenditure for study/travel/ communication / business growth.

Career: People in fields like politics /govt. job/education/travel/doctors will be benefited.

Domestic & love life: You will take efforts to balance family time and office time.

Health: Some people may suffer from knee pain /heart problems

Lucky no: 2

Lucky colour: silver


Today is the day to get your stuck money back.

Finance: Expect expenditure for business/health/ education.

Career: People in political/medical/bank/education/tourism will be benefited.

Domestic & love life: Gain from in-laws/ ancestral property/ commissions /incentives/bonus is indicated

Health: some people may suffer from indigestion / body ache /injury /eye problems

Lucky no: 1

Lucky colour: Orange


Today is the day to face problems in career and family life

Finance: Expenses for wife / medical treatment/loan premium are expected today.

Career: People in fields like insurance/ bank/finance/ path labs/ hospital will be benefited.

Domestic & love life: Married life may get disturbed.

Health: Some people may suffer from lumber pain / heart/ eye problems

Lucky no: 6

Lucky colour: pink


Today you will be busy on all fronts like job and family

Finance: Expect expenditure for business/ spouse/health

Career: Some people may start business along with their job. Banks/ finance co. will be benefited

Domestic & love life: Dispute with maternal family or their ill-health is indicated

Health: Some people may suffer from stomach pain /eye/ Lumber pain.

Lucky no: 6

Lucky colour: Pink


Today is the day to enjoy /earn

Finance: Expect expenditure for children/job /business

Career: Politicians/bankers/artists/ entertainers/ sportsmen/doctors will be benefited

Domestic & love life: Day to solve problems in relationships.

Health: Some people may suffer from back pain / eye /heart problems

Lucky no: 9

Lucky colour: Red

Published on: Thursday, February 08, 2024, 04:30 AM IST