Goa: Fish Vending Tangle Gets New Twist At SGPDA

Retail fish vendors protest against wholesale market vendors selling fish in market; traditional fishermen say they were compelled to sell their stock in the market

THE GOAN NETWORK Updated: Thursday, October 12, 2023, 07:47 PM IST
Retail fish vendors
 protesting | The Goan network

Retail fish vendors protesting | The Goan network

MARGAO: The fish vending tangle staring at the SGPDA got a new twist on Wednesday after the SGPDA retail market witnessed an uproar in the morning after retail fish vendors raised their strong reservations to the retail sale of fish in the market by vendors from the wholesale fish market.

Allegedly driven away by the SGPDA contractor at the wholesale fish market after 10 am, a group of traditional fishermen headed to the PDA retail market to sell their catch. They displayed their fish for sale outside the mega retail fish market, only to face objections from the existing retail fish vendors.

Retail vendors fear their business might get affected

The retail vendors led by president Felix Gonsalves and Fatima pointed out that the presence of the fishermen selling fish at the retail market would adversely affect their business. The duo further pointed out that they buy the fish early morning from these traditional fishermen and sell the same in the retail fish market to earn a living. 

“If the traditional fishermen are allowed to sell their fish in the retail market, either in wholesale or retail, we will have to shut down business. For, the fishermen will sell their fish less than our rates since we procure our requirements from them,” he added.

Traditional fishermen share their views

The traditional fishermen, on the other hand, maintained that they are not interested to sell their fish in the PDA retail market since they are basically involved in the wholesale fish business. They, however, hastened to add that the PDA contactor has told them to go to the retail fish market to sell fish after driving them away at 10 am. 

“We have not come to the PDA retail market out of our own volition, but have been driven out from the wholesale market and told to go to retail market to sell fish,” a fisherman informed.

President of retail fish vendor Felix Gonsalves maintained that they have nothing against the fishermen who came to the retail fish market from the wholesale fish market. He, however, hastened to add that allowing fishermen from the wholesale fish market in the retail fish market will affect the business of the retail fish vendors. 

“The retail fish vendors procure the fish from the wholesale fish market from fishermen selling fish in wholesale. If these fishermen are allowed to sell fish in wholesale rate in the retail market, no one would buy fish from the retail vendors,” Felix said.

Fatima echoed similar sentiments. “How can the SGPDA allow the fishermen from the wholesale fish market to do business in the retail market? As it is, we have no business to eke a living. Allowing the wholesale fishermen in the retail market will aggravate matters for the retail vendors,” she said.

Agitated retail fish vendors led by Felix and Fatima stormed the SGPDA office in the morning, but returned back after finding no officer around.

Ramponkars cannot be barred from wholesale fish market: Vijai

Asserting that people of Fatorda do not in any way benefit from the wholesale fish market located in the constituency, Fatorda MLA Vijai Sardesai, who is the member of the SGPDA, has said the reason why the people have not demanded the complete shifting of the market is because of the interest of the local fishermen.

Briefing the media after coming out of the SGPDA meeting, Vijai said the PDA members have taken a clear stand that Goan ramponkars, who bring the catch to the market, cannot be barred in the wholesale fish market by restricting the timings. “The court has issued certain directions to abate the nuisance on the wholesale fish market road and manage the traffic. Today, the PDA has taken a decision to protect the interests of the traditional fishermen,” he said.

He added: “People of Fatorda do not in any way benefit out of the wholesale fish market located in the constituency. But, since Goemkar are engaged in fishing and they need a place to sell their catch, we have taken the view that the local fishermen should get the facility to dispose of their fish.”

Fish being sold at retail market | The goan network

Published on: Thursday, October 12, 2023, 07:47 PM IST