NL Dalmia School Celebrates Student Integrity With Sticker Programme

The school management introduced a sticker awarding system, where students receive stickers on their ID cards for demonstrating positive values in their actions.

Krisha V Bhatt Updated: Saturday, April 13, 2024, 01:45 PM IST
Each class is provided with a bundle of stickers to distribute throughout the academic year. | Official

Each class is provided with a bundle of stickers to distribute throughout the academic year. | Official

Mumbai: NL Dalmia School High School (Mira Road) implemented a unique system to appreciate its students' good behaviour and values. The school management introduced a sticker awarding system, where students receive stickers on their ID cards for demonstrating positive values in their actions. Each class is provided with a bundle of stickers to distribute throughout the academic year. The students who collect these stickers also have their names printed in the school's yearbook.

The values for which students can receive stickers include love, work, humility, gratitude, honesty, courage, respect, selflessness, integrity, compassion, and patience.

Stickers representating values | File

"It motivated me to become a better person when I was awarded for my actions of gratitude," shared Sara Bhatt, a ninth-grade student who received stickers for honesty, selflessness, and hard work.

"I have been earning the humility sticker since first grade, and my parents feel proud of me. I aspire to receive the ‘Hard Work’ sticker this year," expressed Jainam Koti, another ninth-grade student.

Jainam Koti | File photo

Awarding these stickers is not limited to school teachers; non-teaching staff can also award batches to students who demonstrate these values.

"It's amazing when our mentors notice your actions and appreciate them. I was both happy and surprised when I received this sticker," added Pehel Maheshwari, another student awarded the love sticker.

Pehel Maheshwari | File

Seema Saini, the principal, emphasised the importance of instilling values in schools. 

"We want to encourage children and build the society we wish to see. Children observe and learn from adults, so we must be the right role models. We incorporate these values into our teaching-learning process and encourage our teachers to do the same," Saini said.

Published on: Saturday, April 13, 2024, 01:32 PM IST