VIT Chennai offers robotics training to children from government schools

FPJ Bureau Updated: Saturday, May 18, 2024, 12:00 AM IST

During the summer vacation, VIT Chennai's School of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, and School of Advanced Sciences organized a five-day free robotics and drone training camp for government school children. This camp began on 13th May 2024. This camp drew 50 children from classes 5th to 9th.

Students were trained in the construction and operation of robots and drones. Awareness of using robots and drones with practical hands-on training was given.

The program was completed on 17.05.2024 with the financial support of VIT Chennai, which provided all facilities to the students, including food and transportation.

Dr. Sekar Viswanathan, vice president of VIT participated in the training's valedictory ceremony and awarded certificates to the students who participated in the training along with Dr. R. Ganesan, Dean of Computer Science and Engineering.

Five days training program was coordinated by the following faculty members of VIT Chennai Dr.V.Arunkumar, Dr. D.Sathian, Dr. V.Vasugi, Dr. V.Vidhya.

Published on: Saturday, May 18, 2024, 06:07 AM IST