Apple blocks ChatGPT from email app citing content inappropriate for kids

BlueMail's founder accused Apple of targeting the app and claimed that others with ChatGPT haven't faced similar restrictions from Apple.

FPJ Web Desk Updated: Friday, March 03, 2023, 07:44 PM IST

Long before ChatGPT, users often engaged in conversations with AI assistants such as Apple's Siri and Amazon's Alexa, which also involved asking random questions. But ChatGPT's human-like responses and ability to generate diverse content, which have left all other chatbots far behind, have also raised concerns. Following the ban on ChatGPT in US schools, now Apple has also blocked it from an email app citing the risk of inappropriate content.

Cites content inappropriate for kids

The generative AI has so far threatened some users and expressed feelings for one, which is why Apple feels it may create content not suitable for children. Hence an app Bluemail, which uses a version of ChatGPT's language model, wasn't allowed to add an update by App Store. This prompted the platform's founder Ben Volach to express his discontent over the decision in a series of tweets.

BlueMail treated unfairly?

Although OpenAI's CTO Mira Murati has admitted that ChatGPT can be used by bad actors, Volach argues that BlueMail filters content and can also raise the age limit. He accused Apple of targeting BlueMail and claimed that other apps with ChatGPT haven't faced similar restrictions from Apple.

Will AI ever replace us?

Despite Apple's aversion, about half of all American firms using chatbots have fired people and switched to ChatGPT. At the same time, firms such as CNET are laying off people to use ChatGPT for writing articles, despite factual errors in most of them. On the other hand, Infosys founder and Indian IT sector veteran Narayana Murthy has ruled out the possibility of coders losing jobs to the generative AI.

Published on: Friday, March 03, 2023, 07:44 PM IST