Rising Political Polarisation Sparks Surge in Family Conflict, Psychologist Consultations In Election Season

A family sought help of psychiatrist due to their father’s transformation into a couch potato consumed by political debates. Father’s singular focus on political discourse led him to memorise every detail from debates, only to unleash fervent arguments upon his family members if anyone dared to express opinions contrary to his favoured party or candidate

Rishita Tomar Updated: Wednesday, May 01, 2024, 04:17 PM IST

Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Ideological warfare has entered families, because of which people are consulting psychologists. There’s a notable surge in individuals seeking solace and solutions from psychiatrists that has emerged this election season in capital Bhopal, according to doctors.

One such instance exemplifies this trend, as a distressed family sought help of a psychiatrist due to their father’s transformation into a couch potato consumed by political debates. The father’s singular focus on political discourse led him to memorise every detail from the debates, only to unleash fervent arguments upon his family members if any dared to express opinions contrary to his favoured party or candidate.

“He doesn’t allow us to watch other channels as he is just glued to political debates,” said his relatives who reached out to psychiatrist for aid. The psychiatrists too have reported a notable increase in cases involving disputes between relatives, such as brothers-in-law and fathers-in-law, further exacerbating tensions within households.

Bhopal's well-known consultant psychiatrist Dr Satyakant Trivedi told Free Press that one example was of a man grappling with depression after the political leader he staunchly supported defected to another party. The subsequent ridicule and mockery from family members, friends and neighbours compounded his anguish, prompting him to seek professional guidance.

Trivedi said it was important to delineate between personal life and political beliefs. “Individuals should know the difference between two realms,” he added.

Published on: Wednesday, May 01, 2024, 06:00 PM IST