MP: UAD To Table Fire Safety, Modern Tenancy Bills In Upcoming Assembly Session

Fire Safety Bill seeks to establish one fire and emergency service for entire state.

Staff Reporter Updated: Sunday, May 26, 2024, 11:24 PM IST
MP Vidhan Sabha  |

MP Vidhan Sabha |

Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): The urban administration and development department is all set to table some important bills in the upcoming Assembly session. They include Fire Safety Bill, Modern Tenancy Bill and development of public places through the public private partnership. Sources in the department said the aforesaid bills would be tabled in the upcoming Assembly session and on getting clearance they would take the shape of act.

The Fire Safety Bill seeks to establish one fire and emergency service for the entire state, constitution and classification of fire and appointment of fire and emergency services, setting up of the fire stations, auxiliary fire and emergency services etc. The bill also envisages for response to calls, operation management, preventive measures, penalties for violation of duty and levy of fire tax etc.

Fire officer will be appointed for every fire station. It also vouches for arrest of the person who hinders the fire and emergency service. So far, the state does not have its own fire safety act. The bill has been prepared by studying the fire safety act of some big states of the country. This bill was prepared during the tenure of the previous Shivraj government, most importantly after the fire incidents that engulfed a part of Hamidia Hospital and one hospital in Jabalpur.

As far as the Modern Tenancy Bill is concerned then it is being brought to protect the interests of both the house owner and the tenant. It vouches to have an agreement between both the parties, period of tenancy, eviction and recovery of possession of premises in case of death of landlord, enhancement of rent in case of refusal by the tenant to vacate, refund of advance rent by the landlord etc. It also proposes the establishment of Rent Authority for redressal of various issues related to the tenancy issues. 

Published on: Monday, May 27, 2024, 07:25 AM IST