Implead PWD For Removing Encroachments On Roads: NGT

"Maintenance of green belt was responsibility of Capital Project Administration (CPA) and after it was dissolved and merged with PWD, the latter has the responsibility to maintain it.”

Staff Reporter Updated: Tuesday, December 26, 2023, 12:31 AM IST
National Green Tribunal | FPJ

National Green Tribunal | FPJ

Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): National Green Tribunal (NGT) has issued order to implead Public Works Department (PWD) through its chief engineer for removing encroachments on roads in Bhopal. Earlier, Capital Project Administration (CPA) was maintaining roads. As the CPA has been scrapped and merged with PWD, the responsibility now lies with PWD.

Next hearing in the case is on January 3, 2024. Environment activist Dr Subhash C Pandey has filed the petititon in this regard. The tribunal asked the district collector to personally monitor the issue and sought a report through him on the matter on the next date of hearing.

Environmentalist (petitioner) Dr SC Pandey said, “Instead of CPA, PWD has been asked to make party. So, now PWD is liable to remove encroachment from central as well as side verge of roads.

PWD has been tasked to remove 692 encroachments in the green belt as identified by the district forest officer.” Green activist Rashid Noor Khan said, “Maintenance of green belt was responsibility of Capital Project Administration (CPA) and after it was dissolved and merged with PWD, the latter has the responsibility to maintain it.”

Published on: Tuesday, December 26, 2023, 12:31 AM IST