Campaign to be launched against bulldozer governments

All India Secular Forum organises seminar at Gandhi Bhavan

FP News Service Updated: Friday, June 17, 2022, 03:52 PM IST
Secular Forum meet in Bhopal | Free Press

Secular Forum meet in Bhopal | Free Press

FP News Service

Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh)

Progressive citizens from Bhopal have decided to launch a campaign against bulldozer governments. It was also demanded to provide compensation to those whose houses were razed by the police.

This decision was taken at Bhopal in the course of a seminar at Gandhi Bhavan in the city on Wednesday. The seminar, organised by All India Secular Forum, was attended by members of various organisations.

Former chief secretary S C Behar said “ If we study the historical background and system of liberal democracy, we will find that it has a wide range of potential on the percentage of democratic spirit and factors that really permeate an operating system.”

“ It seems that in India today, we are witnessing a trend in which the major elements of liberal philosophy – liberty, equality, fraternity and secularism are on the decline. This is a disturbing trend.,” he added.

The rule of law is a basic ingredient of democracy. Instead of the rule of law we are witnessing the rule of some persons and organisations. Bulldozing anybody’s house in an illegal manner is being considered as a great achievement.

Under the circumstances, there is a need for a strong and highly effective opposition which seems to be missing because of fragmentation. All right-thinking persons and enlightened citizens should call upon all the opposition parties to sink their differences and provide a countervailing force to the growing trend of lawlessness, majoritarianism and religious polarisation. In the economic field, policies seem to be largely influenced by corporate interests.

Others who spoke on the occasion were former editor of Hindustan Times Mr. Chandrakant Naidu, Hindi poet Rajesh Joshi, senior journalist L S Herdenia, Rakesh Diwan, Rakesh Dixit and Raghuraj Singh.

Published on: Friday, June 17, 2022, 03:52 PM IST