FPJ Editorial: Pope Abandons Certainty Doctrines

In the West, where progressive gusts have been blowing liturgical vestments in all directions, many churches have long accepted same-sex couples in their pews.

FPJ Editorial Updated: Tuesday, December 19, 2023, 10:19 PM IST
Pope Francis |

Pope Francis |

In a surprising ecclesiastical pirouette, Pope Francis gave the nod to priests to sprinkle holy water on same-sex couples, leaving some traditionalists dizzier than a novice acolyte attempting his first incense swing. Rewind to 2021, and the Vatican was vehemently shaking its ecclesiastical head at the idea of priests blessing what they once dubbed "sinful unions." Back then, the question posed was, "How can we bless sin?" Well, apparently, a lot of theological lifeguard training has happened since, and now, the Pontiff seems to be saying, "Let the blessings flow like divine confetti."

It's a far cry from the days when the Bible, in its antiquarian prose, labeled any hint of homosexual behaviour as perverse and decadent. Since then, enough water has flowed down the Tiber to host a holy regatta. The Vatican's recent revelation seems to be signalling a shift in attitude or at least a celestial loosening of the liturgical collar. Of course, the Pope, ever the judicious navigator of doctrinal waters, clarifies that blessing a same-sex couple is not the same as the sanctification of a same-sex marriage. It's a nuanced approach, leaving room for holy elbow grease but perhaps stopping short of holy matrimony.

In the West, where progressive gusts have been blowing liturgical vestments in all directions, many churches have long accepted same-sex couples in their pews. It's not just a matter of laity; there are even priests donning a clerical closet door that swings both ways. At this rate, one might predict Christian gay marriages soon, where procreation could be just another item on the buffet of marital objectives. The Pope's green light for same-sex blessings may not have everyone singing "Hallelujah" in unison, but it does signal a liturgical shuffle in the church's dance towards inclusivity. With this latest step, who knows, perhaps someday we will witness a celestial conga line led by a cassocked choreographer, proving that even the Vatican can cha-cha with the times.

Published on: Wednesday, December 20, 2023, 06:00 AM IST