Editorial: Sour Saga Of A Stomach Upset

FPJ Editorial Updated: Thursday, March 14, 2024, 10:30 PM IST
Representative Image | Pixabay

Representative Image | Pixabay

In the wee hours of April 19 and 20, 2021, a tale unfolded that could rival any sitcom script. A brave constable of the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), plagued by a stomach upset of epic proportions, decided to invoke the ancient wisdom passed down through generations - the miraculous remedy of sucking on a lemon. In a move reminiscent of a midnight raid, he embarked on a quest to acquire this tart elixir. Alas, fate had other plans in store. His chosen lemon guardian, a fellow CISF constable's wife, found herself rudely awakened from the sweet embrace of slumber by the persistent knocking of her inebriated neighbour.

One could only imagine the bewildered expression on her face as she flung open the door to behold her nocturnal visitor, pleading for a lemon with all the solemnity of a man seeking the elixir of life itself. But her patience wore thin, and she delivered a verbal lashing of great dimension, threatening dire consequences if he dared to linger a moment longer. And so, our valiant lemon-seeker, realising the error of his ways, beat a hasty retreat, leaving behind a trail of sour regret in his wake. But the saga didn’t end there! The powers that be, in their infinite wisdom, decided to take matters into their own hands, delivering a punishment so severe it could rival the trials of Sisyphus himself — a three-year salary reduction by denying him his annual increment.

Undeterred, our intrepid lemon-seeker took his case to the hallowed halls of the Bombay High Court, hoping for a reprieve from this sour turn of events. Alas, his pleas fell on deaf ears, as the court, much like the lady of the lemon, remained unmoved by his plight. As for our hapless hero, his only solace lies in a tall glass of lemonade, a bitter reminder of nights better left undisturbed.

Published on: Friday, March 15, 2024, 06:00 AM IST